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Publications of SPCL
T. Hoefler, M. Snir: | ||
Writing Parallel Libraries with MPI - Common Practice, Issues, and Extensions (Vol 6960, Nr. , In Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface - 18th European MPI Users' Group Meeting, EuroMPI 2011, Santorini, Greece, September 18-21, 2011. Proceedings, presented in Santorini, Greece, pages 345--355, Springer, ISSN: , ISBN: 978-3-642-24448-3, Sep. 2011) Keynote paper at IMUDI/EuroMPI 2011. Publisher Reference AbstractModular programming is an important software design concept. We discuss principles for programming parallel libraries, show several successful library implementations, and introduce a taxonomy for existing parallel libraries. We derive common requirements that parallel libraries pose on the programming framework. We then show how those requirements are supported in the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard. We also note several potential pitfalls for library implementers using MPI. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of state-of-the art of parallel library programming and we provide some guidelines for library designers.Documentsdownload article:download slides: | ||
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