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Publications of SPCL

P. Bauer, P. D. Dueben, M. Chantry, F. Doblas-Reyes, T. Hoefler, A. McGovern, B. Stevens:

 Deep learning and a changing economy in weather and climate prediction

(Nature Reviews Earth and Environment. Vol 4, Nr. 1, pages 507-509, Aug. 2023)

Publisher Reference


The rapid emergence of deep learning is attracting growing private interest in the traditionally public enterprise of numerical weather and climate prediction. A public–private partnership would be a pioneering step to bridge between physics- and data-based methods, and necessary to effectively address future societal challenges.




  author={Peter Bauer and Peter D. Dueben and Matthew Chantry and Francisco Doblas-Reyes and Torsten Hoefler and Amy McGovern and Bjorn Stevens},
  title={{Deep learning and a changing economy in weather and climate prediction}},
  journal={Nature Reviews Earth and Environment},