Marian Verhelst is a full
professor at the MICAS
laboratories of KU Leuven and
a research director at imec.
Her research focuses on
embedded machine learning,
hardware accelerators,
HW-algorithm co-design and
low-power edge processing. She
received a PhD from KU Leuven
in 2008, and worked as a
research scientist at Intel
Labs, Hillsboro OR from 2008
till 2010. Marian is a member
of the board of directors of
tinyML and active in the TPC’s
ESSCIRC and was the chair of
tinyML2021 and TPC co-chair of
AICAS2020. Marian is an IEEE
SSCS Distinguished Lecturer,
was a member of the Young
Academy of Belgium, an
associate editor for TVLSI,
TCAS-II and JSSC and a member
of the STEM advisory committee
to the Flemish Government.
Marian received the laureate
prize of the Royal Academy of
Belgium in 2016, the 2021
Intel Outstanding Researcher
Award, the André Mischke YAE
Prize for Science and Policy
in 2021, and two ERC grants.