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Publications of SPCL
M. Khalilov, M. Chrapek, S. Shen, A. Vezzu, T. Benz, S. Di Girolamo, T. Schneider, D. De Sensi, L. Benini, T. Hoefler: | ||
OSMOSIS: Enabling Multi-Tenancy in Datacenter SmartNICs (Jul. 2024) Publisher Reference AbstractMulti-tenancy is essential for unleashing SmartNIC's potential in datacenters. Our systematic analysis in this work shows that existing on-path SmartNICs have resource multiplexing limitations. For example, existing solutions lack multi-tenancy capabilities such as performance isolation and QoS provisioning for compute and IO resources. Compared to standard NIC data paths with a well-defined set of offloaded functions, unpredictable execution times of SmartNIC kernels make conventional approaches for multi-tenancy and QoS insufficient. We fill this gap with OSMOSIS, a SmartNICs resource manager co-design. OSMOSIS extends existing OS mechanisms to enable dynamic hardware resource multiplexing of the on-path packet processing data plane. We integrate OSMOSIS within an open-source RISC-V-based 400Gbit/s SmartNIC. Our performance results demonstrate that OSMOSIS fully supports multi-tenancy and enables broader adoption of SmartNICs in datacenters with low overhead.Documentsdownload article:access preprint on arxiv: | ||
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